BombBomb Studios

How to Construct a Strong Video Call-to-Action (CTA)
How to Construct a Strong Video Call-to-Action (CTA)
How to Construct a Strong Video Call-to-Action (CTA)

About the Course

I'm going to be blunt...people opening your emails and watching your video is not your win.  It is a win, yes, but it's not the ultimate steps that are required to call an email a success.  So, I guess that poses the question, "What is the win?"  It's getting the recipient of your email to follow through with the next steps that are needed.  That can be a very wide variety of things but having a client complete the next steps to keep the momentum moving forward is vital.  That's where a CTA or call to action comes into play.  If you've never heard of a CTA before...that's okay.  We've got you.  We're going to teach you about a standard call to action as well as a video call to action within BombBomb. Here are some of the things you'll walk away from this course with:

  • What is a CTA(Call to Action)
  • Why is a CTA important
  • How do I use BombBomb's in-video CTA feature
  • When are other people using CTAs to win?
  • Tips and Tricks

What you'll Learn: By the end of this quick course, you'll not only understand the importance of a CTA but also how to implement a strong one within your messages and videos.

Estimated time to Completion: 14 minutes

What you Need: Just you, access to your BombBomb account, and possible link/website you might want to drive people to.

Course Categories


Course Instructor

Kevin Andrews
Kevin Andrews
Course Progress
Not started
Course Outline
  1. BombBomb In-Video CTA
    1. Why is a CTA Important (2:52)
    2. When to use a CTA (3:54)
    3. How to use an In-Video CTA (2:49)
    4. Tips and Tricks (3:55)
How to Construct a Strong Video Call-to-Action (CTA)
How to Construct a Strong Video Call-to-Action (CTA)
Course Progress
Not started

About the Course

I'm going to be blunt...people opening your emails and watching your video is not your win.  It is a win, yes, but it's not the ultimate steps that are required to call an email a success.  So, I guess that poses the question, "What is the win?"  It's getting the recipient of your email to follow through with the next steps that are needed.  That can be a very wide variety of things but having a client complete the next steps to keep the momentum moving forward is vital.  That's where a CTA or call to action comes into play.  If you've never heard of a CTA before...that's okay.  We've got you.  We're going to teach you about a standard call to action as well as a video call to action within BombBomb. Here are some of the things you'll walk away from this course with:

  • What is a CTA(Call to Action)
  • Why is a CTA important
  • How do I use BombBomb's in-video CTA feature
  • When are other people using CTAs to win?
  • Tips and Tricks

What you'll Learn: By the end of this quick course, you'll not only understand the importance of a CTA but also how to implement a strong one within your messages and videos.

Estimated time to Completion: 14 minutes

What you Need: Just you, access to your BombBomb account, and possible link/website you might want to drive people to.

Course Outline
  1. BombBomb In-Video CTA
    1. Why is a CTA Important (2:52)
    2. When to use a CTA (3:54)
    3. How to use an In-Video CTA (2:49)
    4. Tips and Tricks (3:55)

Course Categories


Course Instructor

Kevin Andrews
Kevin Andrews